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Mina and the Count: Reanimated

Animated scenes I completed as part of the MatC Reanimated collaboration. I took this project as an opportunity to experiment with different styles of animation and play with the expressiveness of the characters.

Dracula and Mina Shot
Rough Animation

This was the final shot I did for Mina and the Count: Reanimated, and so I took it a little further, adding a lot of action to what was in the original scene, shooting some reference to use during the process, and doing some basic compositing at the end.

I used Blender's grease pencil software for the rough animation, and completed the rest of the shot in Adobe Animate and lastly After Effects

Clean Up Animation

Dracula Dialogue Shot

Rough Animatic

For this shot, I decided to use it as an opportunity to learn some rigged animation in Toonboom Harmony. I spent at least a week beforehand watching as many tutorials on the program and making + animating a rig before signing up for the free trial version of the software and jumping into it.

For my first attempts at rigged animation, it went very well! While I did hit snags working on this shot, all were fixable without taking too much time to figure out and running out of time with the software (although I did run out of time to try animating the effects in Toonboom - those were done in Clip Studio Paint)

The character animation would benefit from some snappier action and timing, I think. I'd like to go back to rigged animation at some point, combine hand drawn elements with rigged animation and see how far I can push that technique, but as learning curves go, this one went pretty well!

Puppet Animation (Toonboom)
Rough FX Animation

Mina and Cat Shot

Jump Animation Test
Rough Animation

This was the first shot I did for this project, and the only one that was completed entirely in one animation program, Clip Studio Paint. Being a very simple shot of just the characters on a set of stairs, I decided to play around with that action and see if I could enhance it and make it more comedic.

Clean Up Animation
Character Design and Model Sheets
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